Thursday, November 20, 2008

To clarify Twilight stuff.....

Yes.  I have read the book.  I typically don't read romance novels because they piss me off. I'm sorry, imagination is good for you, but ladies, real men do not THINK, ACT, LOOK like the men do in these books. Example;" Her skin was like velvet, warmed velvet. She was slim, no delicate, she was tough , disciplined. She tasted of ripe, forbidden fruit, and smelled of midnight gardens......." 

gag  gag  gag.

Men do not notice if you are soft. You are a warm body, therefore accessible. Real men would not know the difference between velvet and cotton-poly blend. Delicate is not a word that would come to mind in heat of passion. And the tasting.....LOL!  What, pray tell would " forbidden" fruit taste like,as opposed to un-forbidden fruit, such as a pear, or a gala apple?
I am also sorry to add that if I were told I smelled like a midnight garden ( hmmmmm, would the smell be different, say, at 10:55 am?) I would question the sobriety of my Dear Man.
So, you might be asking yourself why I would go see a lovey story about vampires and LOVE. 

Because I may be just a warm body. But there is something there to suggest maybe I am something else. I can think in terms of being unrealistic for 1.5 hours, knowing that none of those things are possible. or, at least never, ever going to happen to me! Because of course, this is real life.


Hollys Hobbies said...

WOW!! did you come up with that passage yourself?! Because if you did, I forsee a future in the novelette business!!! What does that taste like exactly, that is a great question.I think I'll google it...