Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bliss. Sleep.Too much to do Saturday. Long winded stuff about nothing.

I was able to fall asleep before 3 am! It was close, but I did it! I feel somewhat refreshed. Although, the last few precious moments in bed should gave been cozy and lazy, but the thoughts started up again. The Grocery list was running though my head. The washing machine that we need to put the new agitator part on so I can do laundry. Mowing the lawn, preparing my Sunday School lesson one more time for tomorrow. I get to train a newbie. Boy is my replacement in for a huge roller coaster of a ride! ( I was released last week. I will tell you later what my newest calling is..) What kind of cake Aubrie wants for her birthday on Monday. Chocolate or white? I would assume, her being related to me that chocolate would be in order. Chores. Maybe going to the YMCA to work out today and let the kids swim.
What ever happened to lazy Saturdays? Reading the newspaper while sipping OJ and eating puffed cereal? That is why I chose to take a Mommy break from Soccer this fall. I just could not even deal with 3 different practices, 3 different days. 3 games on Saturdays, all different times. Aubrie was really peeved at me. More so when her old team coach called me up to take the team pictures. I told her that each kid could chose what activity they wanted to do this spring. Aubrie wants soccer. Kiera is leaning toward Gymnastics. Caleb will play b-ball this winter, and I was thinking of Piano in the spring. He has shown an apitude for playing. Nathan played the one song he even remembers from years back,( E.T theme song, LOL) and Caleb went to the piano after he left, and played it. He has my ear for it,( I can play anything one handed by ear, but I don't read music well, although I know the notes....) and perhaps the gift to really make some beautiful music. He is such a talented guy, that little man of mine.

Nathan and I got to go out last night on a date. We had free movie passes. We went and ate at On the Border, and then saw The Guardian. It was a pretty good movie, overall. I am not a Kevin Costner fan, or Ashton Kutcher, but it was a good film. So, I give it 3 thumbs up! That is, If I had 3 thumbs I would do so.Maybe 2 thumbs and a big toe. :)

I have been enjoying old pictures that Holly's friend Barbara has been sending me. I look at them and see the fight I fought even then for control of my hair. I guess the 80's isn't the best hair decade, especially for someone with curly hair. At the time I thought it looked good. I had a fro. Blow drying curly hair, as I see from the evedience, only increases frizz. And the poor ozone from all that Aqua Net. Watch for pictures from my past later on today!