Saturday, August 16, 2008


Sorry I have been MIA! I caught up the picture of the day. WHEW! I really ought to keep up with that!
I've been glued to the TV in the evenings for the Olympics. I love swimming and Gymnastics. When I was 10 years old, I wanted to be an Olympic gold swimmer. Of course, that was the year the Olympics were in Los Angeles, close to where I was living at the time. Big deal back then! ( Holy cripes, I AM old...)
I begged for months after to take swimming lessons....but alas it was not meant to be. I will never know if I had it in me......:) Ha, ha!
So, my hormones are all wacky, and I have been wiping a few tears watching these young un's work their buttocks off, and win.
Dang, I am tired peeps! I will write more tomorrow.
~ C