Monday, July 28, 2008


Saturday night I was playing with our kitty Lilly. She is the cutest thing ever. Black and fuzzy. We have had her a month, and she's about 3 months old. We got her from a neighbor, who said she was a girl. I didn't want any male cats. ( No offense gentleman, but male cats.....) So, I'm messing around with Lilly, and happen to notice a nice package underneath. I look. I look again. I start to second guess what I am seeing. Maybe I just don't know what a boy cat versus girl cat area looks like. So I look at our other kitty Bella...and I am pretty sure " Lilly" has some goods Bella doesn't own. Poor Lilly is a boy. Hopefully the poor cat won't have a complex about his name the last several weeks. After placing names in a bowl, the first pick out was Elvis. Elvis it is. Other names in the running: Jethro ( My pick, dang it all) Chauncy, Willy, Pussy ( yes, real names put into bowl by 4 and 5 year olds....) Jacob, Booger, and my all time favorite. Keith.


Brian said...

i was wondering about that... "lilly" was acting a lot more aggressive than Bella, but i wasn't about to question your ability to judge the kitty's sex... lol.

Brian said...
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Brian said...

and this is actually tay.

Anonymous said...

lol, too funny!!