Friday, September 08, 2006


I thought another addition of The Complaint Book would be a fun Friday read. I see a trend here with poor Caleb's name. The kid doesn't have a chance of getting a word in edgewise with all these girls around. Remember all spelling and sentences are their own.

August 29th. 7:27 p.m. Central time. Log book.

" Caleb would not help me clean after working for at least an hour." -Kiera

" Caleb embarrased me at the parent + teacher meeting today." -Aubrie



"Kiera especially keeps coming into my room, and reading private things, and messes up my bed. Please, I need some privacy!" - Aubrie


" Make Kiera stop staring at me! She stares at me during the day, ALL the time!Whenever she gets the chance, she stares at me. IT GET'S ON MY NERVES!" Aubrie

September 5, 2006
" Caleb will not stop yelling, "Kira Kira Kira, and I am tired of people not calling me by Kiera as in 3 syllyboles. He also called me stupid Kira.


NW Varneys said...

What a great blog, Christi! I forgot you had it, so just caught up on 2 months' worth.

I especially enjoy the Complaints Book. Keep 'em coming!

And show us those Hawaii Pics ASAP!

NW Varneys said...

What a great blog, Christi! I forgot you had it, so just caught up on 2 months' worth.

I especially enjoy the Complaints Book. Keep 'em coming!

And show us those Hawaii Pics ASAP!