Friday, August 25, 2006

Today is my 32nd birthday. Another day older, but yet the wiser seems to elude me! I have had so many well wishes and phone calls. Thanks everyone! A friend brought me some Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey Ice-cream this morning. I had told her last week how I had resisted it while at the grocery store. So, I am not sure if her giving it to me was vindictive or not.:) No, I was happy! It is my birthday, so I needed to indulge in something bad for me. ( Bad, but oh so good!) I decided to have only a spoonful then put it back in the freezer. Well, One spoon turned to two, then three. Then 3 year old Delaney and 2 year old Sophie came over for a little taste. Well, we made of game of it. How could I resist those faces? I would give one a bite, then the other. Then of course they INSISTED that I have a bite too. So you see where I am going with this folks? Yes, it's true. We ate the WHOLE thing. All 473 mL. 1 pint of creamy, delectable, 300 calorie and 18 grams of fat per tasty serving of it!

I was thinking. ( A big stretch, I know.But, stay with me for a minute!) My Mom said she had a proposition on MYspace yesterday. She e-mailed me the letter, and I just can't resist posting it here. I will add my thoughts in italics, and my response to her at the end. I got a good laugh out of it!

" Sounds like your place was a busy/popular spot in the neighborhood. That's good. You must be a very open, approachable "mom" and anchor to have such a wide following. Have you ever spoken with anyone, in person, that you've encountered in here? Done lunch, a walk in the mall or any such nonsense? Totally non-romantic.( yeah right) I'm not suggesting any such thing actually. I'm just a person who likes to take walks and have met a few interesting people from online who also like to walk.( I am surprised only people online like to walk, I thought it was a pretty universal thing?) So I guess it was a suggestion of sorts but no problem or pressure one way or the other. Anyhoo, have a good one. DJ "

I told my mom to respond as such( Please, no offense to those wheelchair bound, oxygenated, or severally overweight)

" You should write back and tell him how you are physically unable to walk, as you weigh 467 pounds and are in a wheelchair with an oxygen mask. But, maybe he could push you around at the mall, since you have been house bound since 1986...."

Any other suggestions? I have to honestly say I have never been asked out on MYSpace. I did have some guy ask me to be his friend, as he has just moved to Memphis from India. Does this really happen often?
Have a good night:)


Melissa Davis said...

Oh my gosh, funny! You're mom should just say "thanks, but no thanks"

Also, i love the flowers from Naten! and yumm...I want some of that ice cream!
Happy Birthday Christi!